Whether its freelance work, an inquiry regarding a position, or just to say hello, please don't be afraid to send me a message :)



Whether its freelance work, an inquiry regarding a position, or just to say hello, please don't be afraid to send me a message :)


Transfer is a photo series I'm probably most well known for. I've been fortunate enough to have this photo series, blogged about countless times, prints sold to over seas buyers, and even make it to the front page of Tumblr (if that's even still relevant, ha!) .


If you asked me where exactly the idea came from or what it exactly means, it’s a little hard to say. In its simplest form, the series speaks aout the colors we typically associate with specific landscapes. The ocean is blue, trees are green and clouds are white. Although we know this isn’t exactly true. 


It all started in my college painting class when I came the realization that the ocean is only blue when the sky is blue. In fact, when it’s overcast the ocean is actually gray. The means the water is really only reflection they sky. Then I thought it would be kinda funny, if the ocean was actually blue, and you stuck your hand into it, would your hand then come out blue? Take that simple idea and throw in some forced perspective and a tasteful tangent (which just started becoming popular) and you got a hit! 


This one pushed the concept a little further and one could say was kind of a stretch. Although when you get such a reaction you must keep going. So unlike the ocean the trees aren’t simply reflecting something else that is green. Although they are still reflection light that we perceive as green, which technically may not be the case for another animal. Plus if you look close enough there’s a little pond that is reflecting the green trees! 


If you dipped your hand in clouds would it be wet? Who knows! This installation in the series was challenging since I’ve only ever been on an airplane once and had no way of photographing the clouds from above. So what to do? Well back to painting class, let’s paint the clouds! Yes, photoshopping a hole in a stock photo of clouds seemed more difficult for some reason.