Whether its freelance work, an inquiry regarding a position, or just to say hello, please don't be afraid to send me a message :)



Whether its freelance work, an inquiry regarding a position, or just to say hello, please don't be afraid to send me a message :)


"Fourteen" and also my senior thesis, was an 8x10, coptic bound, art book. In a nutshell the goal of the book was to feature flickr's top 14 conceptual photographers for the year 2014. Under the guidence of graphic design department leader and professional bookmaker, Emily Larned, we decided that the coptic binding was best suited for the photographic nature. The binding would allow the book to be opened completely flat, great for photographs, and the hand made aspect was a nice direction in conjunction with the small print run.

Outlining the project

  1. Define Concept
  2. Curate Photographers 
  3. Comb through Flickr
  4. Contact top 14 photographers
  5. Find / contact replacements 
  6. Write simple contract for photo use
  7. Create branding
  8. Define Printer
  9. Print and construct Draft to be photographed
  10. Create Kickstarter
  11. Define rewards / create rewards
  12. Seek friend for video work to be featured


When it came to picking a thesis project, I was interested in so many fields (from photography to painting to obviously design itself), honing in on a concept was a little difficult. Although at this point in my life it seemed like all of my time in between school work was totally absorbed by photography. When I wasn't out with the camera, it was hanging out on flickr. It's funny to think of a time when Instagram didn't dominate for all things art, but this shift will actually play a part in why I ended up wanted to make this book.

During my college years, there was a really cool community of young surrealist photographers on Flickr. They all built and played off each other, seeing who could produce more and more interesting work. Although for whatever reason around 2014 some of these artists were starting to delete their flickr account to be replaced by a more professional personal website. In fact I remember my friend Ben Zank was the first I knew of to do this right before I started the project. I actually feared the integrity of the book since I wouldn't be able to include a link to his flickr haha! Coincidentally flickr actully changed their interface significantly shortly after (maybe early 2015?) and that not only felt like the final death of the movement, but a further justification for the book.


The book's concept plays off the number 14 and its relation to the year 2014. The design of the book, and more specifically the black squares motif, plays off the idea of internet picture thumbnails. Unfortunately, as I mentioned previously, flickr soon after updated the design of their site, so the relationship between the site and the motif can no longer be seen to its full effect. Although, for those who can recall the original flickr layout, that is now nostalgic to many of the curated artists, you will remember the thumbnails in a very similar spaced out grid. Lastly, the decision was made to instead of minimize the photographs placed inside these black squares, as thumbnails traditionally do, instead let them act as a window to the image behind. This design choice acts as my touch as a part of the conceptual and surrealistic theme flowing throughout many of the artists' signatures. 

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