Whether its freelance work, an inquiry regarding a position, or just to say hello, please don't be afraid to send me a message :)



Whether its freelance work, an inquiry regarding a position, or just to say hello, please don't be afraid to send me a message :)


CBT 4 CBT is a platform for clinicians to use with patients who struggle with addiction and other mental handicaps. The app is designed to take a patient through 8 different courses all helping with different constructive thinking exercises and tests. With all design and illustration done by myself (excluding coding), my goal was to make it fun for the patients by including progress bars, badges and friendly characters.

Outlining the project

CBT 4 CBT was a massive project for me to take on at the time. I spearheaded the design by myself, with the supervision of department head, Matt Cameron at Checkmate, and worked directly with developer Robbie Botch, with additional assistance from dev department head (insert name).

  1. Patient Portal
  2. Clinician Portal
  3. Clinician Admin Portal
  4. Super Admin Portal
  5. Logo / Illustrations
  6. Spanish Patient Portal


So we knew we wanted to have some sort of system on the dashboard for the patient portal where users could earn badges. We thought the idea of earning badges would slightly "gamify" the users experience just enough to make the whole experience a little less sterile. I then proposed the idea of a character that went on the journey with the user. After some thought, it was obvious that the character should be none other than a brain! Whats better than a brain when talking about CBT?

Each illustration was first created in illlustrator for the line work and base colors. Then each drawing was imported into photoshop for all the gradient work and adding some subtle noise texture to give them that last bit of personality. In total there are 9 illustration. In order they are: "B.U.P.", "Deal with Craving", "Go Against the Flow", "Plan Don't Panic", "Recognize the Triggers", "Stand Up for Yourself", "Stay Safe", and "Stop and Think".